

Thank you for submitting your abstract(s).

Instructions for preparing oral presentations will be sent to you shortly.

Instructions for preparing e-posters can be found HERE.


List of accepted abstracts HERE


All accepted abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer, volume no. 3.

You can see all abstracts HERE

Authors´ personal data and abstract details will be shared with the Editorial office of the IJGC and the publisher.


E-posters will be displayed in two e-poster units, in the mobile application and on the website. No poster presentations will be organized.

All e-posters are available HERE


Abstract Publication and Embargo Policy

Abstracts will be available in the conference mobile application and on the conference website approx. two weeks before the conference. ESGO2018 SoA Conference abstracts will be published as an online supplement to the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. Click here for more information about the journal.  


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