Interested to stay on top of the most recent advances in Rare Cancers?

Thank you

We would like to thank you for attending the ESGO State of the Art Conference which was held on October 4-6, 2018 in Lyon, France. This event was very successful, we have received nice feedbacks. More than 30 speakers shared their experience and more than 700 participants attended this conference. We hope that you enjoyed the conference programme as well as the beautiful city of Lyon.

We want to thank  all speakers for they interesting and useful lectures and last but not least, we want to thank all exhibitors and sponsors for their generous support.

We look forward to seeing you at the ESGO 2019 Congress in Athens, Greece.

Please save the dates of November 2-5, 2019!


Isabelle Ray-Coquard and Jonathan Ledermann (ESGO SoA 2018 Conference chairs)

 Download the ESGO 2018 Events App now!


ESGO 2018: New insights in rare gynaecological cancers

Why Attend?

ESGO State of the Art Conference is a special Gathering on Rare Gynaecological Cancers
When it comes to meeting the right people in the right place, the 3rd ESGO State of the Art conference of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology is a special event you don't want to miss in 2018...
ESGO 2018 brings together attendees from around the world for a 3-days gathering of learning, networking and sharing the latest developments in the field of Rare Gynaecological Cancers —all with the goal to enhance your knowledge, accelerate your skills and advance the field.

Interested to stay on top of the most recent advances in the field of Rare Cancers?  

Then the ESGO 2018 conference is a can’t-miss event,
held from October 4 – 6, 2018 in Lyon, France

Preliminary programme

Check out the 3-day program


Book your accommodation here.


Register early by June 30, 2018 and save!

Conference Chairs

Isabelle Ray-Coquard, France

Jonathan A. Ledermann, UK